Saturday, August 25, 2012

It's been one of those days, weeks, months, half of a years that you can really only complain about in a developed, civilized, western society. I feel like I have not had a single answer since the end of January and it is starting to get to me. That it can be so stressful trying to find and secure a home really has me thinking just one thing. . .

I am not meant for this place.

We are settled into our "place" now (at least for the time being), and while the stars shine brighter and everything else I wrote in my last post about life in Missouri has come to past, I still feel . . . wanting. . . waiting . . . hoping. . . for something better, something more secure and tangible.

That I can't hop on a plane, or buy a ticket to Aslan's Country has me in pieces right now. I don't even want Narnia anymore, give me the real thing.

"Further up and further in"