I am in the market for a new handbag. I am very picky about handbags. . . also I can't spend thousands. I can't even spend hundreds really. I'm really liking this one by
Hunter - best of all, it's made out of rubber and would be a great bag for a mom with a messy life.
It was on sale last night. . . just my luck that it no longer is this morning. However, it's larger sister is, but I don't like the colors on her as well- or the shape for that matter.
Great bag -- but wouldn't white actually not have been the best choice for "a mom with a messy life"? Grey, black, brown or navy, yes...but white would show everything. Still, it is cute, and very summery-looking!
BTW, we went to the Princess Diana exhibit in KC yesterday. It was amazing -- all those dresses previously seen only in photos, not to mention the wedding dress (too puffy and frilly for me personally) but it was incredible to see the dress up close, after waking up at 3 a.m. 30 years ago to watch the wedding live on tv! You would've loved it!
Auntie Des
I was going to suggest this one (i love the material too because it's nylon)... but I can't believe the price!! I only spent like 50 euros on mine....
Also, I like your pick!
i think that jacquie needs a clear one. i think that a dark grey would be nice.
Jacquie - My mom loves that picture of you sewing on your collection fabric
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