I decided to do a sample project for my intro class. I wasn't going to do one, but then I saw the image of the girl in the boots from peopleofwalmart.com and knew that I just had to make a board. . . I love that even the baby has boots on.
Kirsty said it was beautiful. Of course I will send to Brad. The baby is the final 1 - 2 punch. Every student should not be able to fully recall and know the fashion lifecycle.
So that's like an illustration of when the head lady in the Devil Wears Prada explains to the other girl that even though she thinks she's above fashion, her blue sweater is not blue, but that other fancy color which was introduced by so-and-so in 200X and then it went through this series of stages till it made it to whatever Calico Corner she bought it from...I was just talking about that the other day with a friend. Awesome.
Kirsty said it was beautiful. Of course I will send to Brad. The baby is the final 1 - 2 punch. Every student should not be able to fully recall and know the fashion lifecycle.
So that's like an illustration of when the head lady in the Devil Wears Prada explains to the other girl that even though she thinks she's above fashion, her blue sweater is not blue, but that other fancy color which was introduced by so-and-so in 200X and then it went through this series of stages till it made it to whatever Calico Corner she bought it from...I was just talking about that the other day with a friend. Awesome.
I can't believe it! I want to take your class, will you send me assignments through email.....
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