Sunday, November 21, 2010

By the looks of my blog, November has been the most dull month seen in a while.

It hasn't seemed dull, it's just that most of the things that have happened have to do with Jonathan. . . and despite the fact that he has a facebook account . . . I'm trying not to have his entire life on display on the internet.

Here are some things that he has done:
∞ gone on his first hike
∞ started being interested in toys
∞ gone shopping for his first Christmas ornament
∞ helped mom paint

This week he will also enjoy the first Turkey ever cooked at the Williams house. . . 16 lbs from Trader Joes. We are literally going to have turkey coming out of our ears. (and no, I am not going to give him Turkey)

I have 5 million projects going . . . they just aren't going anywhere fast. Well, at least being a mom has not diminished my ability to start projects. . .

Here are some things that I am currently in the middle of:
∞ Wool handbag
∞ Farmhouse table (finished) and bench (not finished)
∞ Painting for kitchen
∞ Dress for Sarah (Finished pending buttons and some bias trim)
∞ Christmas presents . . . which are another entirely.

1 comment:

suz said...

ha! love this picture. It's never too early for little J to take a lesson in the finer things of life.