∞ The Nursery ∞
After much deliberation, we have decided that we are staying in our house, erm, home. Of course, it only took .05 seconds after making that decisions for me to realize what that really meant. Which is that I could start working on the nursery. Technically work on the nursery began before this realization. Jackie came out at the beginning of May to help us prep. She refinished a rocking chair and toy chest for us, which I will put pictures up of once I decide what fabric I am making the cushions for those things out of.
With that said, I am much too impatient to wait to put up pictures of project 18, so you will be getting updates in small increments. Today, I bring you pictures of 18.1 or the mural, or a way into Narnia. . .
In my bible study I recently came across a passage that had me scratching my head.
1 Timothy 2:15. "But women will be saved through childbearing -- if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety" [NIV]
Another translation says "good sense" instead of "propriety." I chose to ignore that translation because I am not sure I have good sense or that I ever want to have good sense. I like the illogical and the nonsensical. And I will tell you why. If this child is going to "save" me, then its bedroom is going to be my portal, and what better portal than a wood between the worlds, and little pools that can take you anywhere? This makes perfect sense to me and if it does not make sense to you, then I must say that I am not sure how you can carry on in this world without any imagination.
Designer Feature: Monica Kane Design
3 days ago
wow!! it looks great!!! I can't wait to see the rest of the pictures!
I've forgotten just how fantastic you are at art. That is sooo amazing beyond belief.
Don't put those seat cushions on to tight though. I want to put another coat of paint on them. A fabulous room like this needs a more fabulous chair.
W. O. W.!
Jaw Dropping!
where is tumnus? my the room has transformed.
Caitlyn! This is amazing! How did you do it?!?
Caity, I love it! :)
I totally cheated on this project. Really, no skill required. I bought an overhead projector off of craigslist for $20 and projected the image onto the wall and then painted it.
Wow! It really looks amazing so far!
You = positively AMAZING
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