Anyway, last night Kyle and I were walking back from the dog park and this guy was shoveling around some dirt in his pick-up. I decided to ask him if the dirt was coming or going and was informed that he was taking it to the dump the next morning. Short story even shorter - this morning I got a nice pile of free dirt in my back yard!! Score!
We enjoyed some nice weather in the double digits for a week or two, but the past two days have decided to go triple again. . . I decided to work outside anyway. This is me in my rock grinding gear. . . I found out rather quickly that a bathing suit top is not the best thing to wear when little bits of rock are flying at you, so I had to put a long sleeve shirt on. It actually didn't seem too hot. . .
Here are some pictures of how far all the Lowes giftcards I got for my birthday got me before the thermometer decided to get stuck on 115...
The rest are pictures of what I accomplished today. We ended up having just the perfect amount of dirt! It was dark outside when I finished, so I apologize if the photo quality is kinda shady.
Please note the awesome trellis I built out of wire. . .it reminds me of Jacob's Ladder. . . the one you make with the string game...Hopefully in a few years the bougainvillea will have matured quite nicely and will hide all the wires. I have deep grape, fushia and white planted.
Stage II of this project will someday include shutters for that window, a hummingbird feeder and a flower windowbox. . .
I made some shutters for our flip house. They are easy to make so don't buy any.
LOOKS FANTASTIC! I LOVE IT! and I wish I was there in the heat to help... I REALLY REALLY HOPE we get stationed in Phoenix next! BUT there is a real posibility that he will go to weapons school after this base (WHICH IS VEGAS FOR 6 MONTHS) and vegas is Super Close to PHOENIX!
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