Some people are rolling their eyes, others already shaking their heads in approval.
I know I have friends on both sides of the abortion table. It is safe to say that many of them have arrived at their conclusions by using their brains and putting a lot of thought into it.
For a little while, I thought it was okay if someone other than me wanted to have an abortion, I thought, "Hey, it's their choice. People who commit other heinous crimes also have a choice too do or not to do - and some people get away with it - sometimes the government even lets them get away with it." I'm sure there are plenty of war crimes in our past that are not attractive, and that were "sanctioned" by the government, but, in general, the government does not sanction murder - except when it comes to babies.
Edit: I am not comparing a woman who has had an abortion to a war criminal. I am saying that, within reason, the government has the power to keep these things from happening, but they turn a blind eye.
That's pretty sad. Voluntary euthanasia is only legal in 3 U.S. states. Someone is saying, "please, kill me, I want to die," and we aren't even allowed to give them their wish. Yet, it's not a big deal to kill someone who is completely at your mercy, someone who cannot defend themselves yet.
"Caitlyn, you are crazy! Abortions don't kill babies - those aren't babies that are in women's wombs. Those are fetus's or an embryo or a blastocyst or a zygote!"
It has always felt like life to me. And when that life is inside of you it's like your soul has added on a great big huge addition. It's wonderful! (I know not all women feel like this) When that soul is extinguished, it's not just the addition that gets knocked down. . . instead, the entire structure is condemned and torn down.
I watched this film today, and it is really what changed my mind about how to vote when it comes to abortion. Do I think change will ever come to America? Probably not (unless the Mormon's take over, which they are forecasted to do in about 2080 because of sheer population), but, it's possible. If people understood what life really is, than I believe that change would have to happen. Because once you really truly grasp what life is, the thought of extinguishing it for any reason, no matter how extenuating, becomes unbearable.
And just to clear anything up that might be out there. No, I would not kill Hitlers mother to get to Hitler. No, I do not hate people who have gotten an abortion. I understand that the thought of bringing another person into the world can seem unbearable, and that you can feel so overwhelmed and unprepared. I do not think that you are ever outside of the grace of God. Don't murder is just one of the commandments, there are 9 others that get broken just as often. All of which need to be addressed.